ARTICLE AND VIDEO: Is the Church of Christ a Cult or just Heretical? by Damon Whitsell

Please watch both videos because I do not differentiate between the CoC and the hardline CoC in the first one.

I posted this article in a MSN group that I visit. The “Church of Christ” is not the “one true church”! It is a Cult. By Damon Whitsell, I was asked this question,,, “Why does the CoC rate the label “cult” over “heretical”?”, then the questionnaire ask a series of questions voicing his concerns about me referring to the “Church of Christ” as a cult.

What follows is my response.

I would be happy to help out. You said,

QUESTION: “Usually these revelations are presented as truth by a leader who is proclaimed to be a prophet of some kind and whose teachings and writings are considered to be an addition to Scripture and of equal or near equal authority.”


Responce: The COC claims that all individual congregations are autonomous but in reality they have many “Scholars” that write manuals for them. That is why no matter where you go you here the same arguments and rhetoric from the majority of them. They do not have any extra biblical books such as the Mormons book of Mormon, Doctrine and covenants and the Pearl of great price. They do not have a “prophetical figure“ dispensing “new revelation from God”. But these manuals by COC scholars are considered a “New way” of understanding biblical truth.


QUESTION: Usually said groups practice one form or another of shunning.


Responce: The COC is authoritarian in that they claim to be the “only true Christ of Jesus” and only they have the way of salvation. The claim is made that the NT church of Jesus and the apostles ceased to exist and had to be “restored”. They are a part of the restoration movement. You can read more HERE.

If your not of the COC your shunned as not a real Christian. If you are COC and leave to go to another denomination you are shunned as having left the one true church and forfeited your salvation. This is demonstrated in Sissy’s thread The Church and the doctrine of Christ and many other threads and a considerable number of her post in other thread topics. Can we count the number of threads that have been hijacked by Sissy and her claim to be sinless and her claims that we too must be sinless to be saved?


QUESTION: Usually said groups reject that salvation is possible by any other means than a strict embracing and adherence of/to their extra-biblical doctrines.


Responce: This is the case with the COC. Their doctrine of baptismal regeneration (salvation by baptism as opposed to Grace) is thoroughly non-biblical. And so is their claim to be the “one true” or restored church. Their denial of the divinity of the Holy Spirit rejects the biblical triune nature of God. I am glad you asked the next question.


QUESTION: Usually said groups are legalistic and have strict codes of compliance.


Responce; 2 COC members here have started at least a dozen threads promoting their doctrine of sinless perfection. According to them your not saved unless you sinless. The sinless perfection (or entire sanctification) is not exclusive to the COC. Many Christian pseudo-cults employ and advocate it. At the same time not many COC churches and believers adhere to it. But they do employ an overbearing attitude and practice of legalism. The practice of legalism is employed in all Christian cults. See my article CULT UNITY ? By Damon Whitsell


Cult apologetics pioneer Walter Martin defined a cult as follows,, In his 1955 book The Rise of the Cults: An Introductory Guide to the Non-Christian Cults, Martin gave the following definition of a cult: “By cultism we mean the adherence to doctrines which are pointedly contradictory to orthodox Christianity and which yet claim the distinction of either tracing their origin to orthodox sources or of being in essential harmony with those sources. Cultism, in short, is any major deviation from orthodox Christianity relative to the cardinal doctrines of the Christian faith.”

These “essential Christian doctrines” are alomost universally agreed among cult apologetics ministries to be 1. the Trinity 2. the full deity and humanity of Christ 3. the spiritual lostness (need for salvation) of the human race 4. the substitution atonement and bodily resurrection of Christ 5. salvation by faith alone in Christ alone

Link here— >>>>Watchman Fellowship’s 2001 Index of Cults and Religions (which list well over a hundred cult entries) states that a cult is Cult= “By its primary dictionary definition, the term cult just means a system of religious beliefs or rituals. It is based on a farming term in Latin meaning cultivation. Sociologists and anthropologists sometimes use the term cult to describe religious structure or belief patterns with meanings (usually non-pejorative) unique to their disciplines. In modern usage, the term cult is often used by the general public to describe any religious group they view as strange or dangerous. Thus, cult can describe religious leaders or organizations that employ abusive, manipulative, or illegal control over their followers’ lives. In addition to these usages, Christians generally have a doctrinal component to their use of the word. Cult in this sense, is a counterfeit or serious deviation from the doctrines of classical Christianity. Watchman Fellowship usually uses the term cult with a Christian or doctrinal definition in mind. In most cases the group claims to be Christian, but because of their aberrant beliefs on central doctrines of the faith (God, Jesus, and salvation), the organization is not considered by Watchman Fellowship to be part of orthodox, biblical Christianity. Research material and Profile are available.”
This is their entry for the COC.

“Churches of Christ: The independent Churches of Christ movement was one of several associations and denominations that developed from Alexander Campbell, Walter Scott and Barton W. Stone’s restoration movement of the early 19th century, which was designed to promote unity among Protestants. Many (but not all) Churches of Christ today, however, differ from traditional Protestant doctrine in two key areas. Many maintain that water baptism and/or other commandments (rather than salvation by grace through faith alone) are a requirement for salvation (see Baptismal regeneration, Salvation by works). Some also believe that today’s Churches of Christ are the only true churches on earth and that they can literally trace their history to the first century church in Jerusalem. “

Not all COC congregations and COC members are aberrant or heretical to the point of apostasy that they are labeled a cult or cult members. From my reading of (“members who have left the COC”) these figures are stated between 20% and 70%.

From my article,,, Unity Within Diversity UNITY IN ESSENTIALS link HERE


A few months ago I was engaged in debates at factnet ( a cult watch ministry ) with followers of Arnold Murray and the Shepard’s Chapel. They can be called a Christian cult because they do not hold to essential doctrine. They cannot be called a denomination or a true church. They have nothing in common with others that call themselves Christian except for the name Christian. They hold an unorthodox view concerning the nature of God, man, sin and salvation. From non essentials such as the heresy of pre-existence to the heresy of anglo-Isrealism, to the essentials of God, man and salvation by grace not works or genetics, they are unorthodox to the core. They are not unified within diversity as real Christians are. They are isolated and don’t have unity with those who hold to essential doctrines. Let me explain what I mean by unity with in diversity.

My phone book list about 20 different local Christian churches. Among them are denominations and non denoms and Christian cults. I can go to most of those churches and have much unity in beliefs with them, especially concerning Jesus. In essentials unity, in non essentials liberty and in all things love. Some I could not attend at all because they are diametrically opposed to essential orthodox Christian beliefs, but we must remember that they are cults by virtue of their unorthodox teachings.

Christians churches and denominations enjoy a shared unity within diversity about beliefs concerning God, man, sin and salvation amongst all non cult denominations and non denominational churches. But a follower of Arnold Murray and the Shepard’s chapel cannot enjoy that same unity with other local churches. To fellowship they have to travel to Arkansas or do their fellowshipping online with other Shepard Chapelers. They are isolated, exclusive and authoritarianistic because of their beliefs.

There are beliefs that are essential to orthodox Christianity. There are beliefs that are important but not essential. And there are beliefs that have no relevance at all concerning orthodoxy such as eschatology. Because most of these churches hold to essential doctrines they could be called essentially Christian but some would have to be called Christian cults because they are not Christian by virtue of the essence of their beliefs about Jesus Christ yet still apply the term Christian to themselves.

About Damon Whitsell

Hello, my name is Damon. I have been studying Christian Cults since 1985 and doing Cult Apologetics online since 1998 because I grew up with Mormons, Oneness Pentecostals and Bible Missionaries in my family. All three of these groups (or Cults) think they are the One True Church and the Only True Christians and to be Saved you must join their Church. So as a result I started studying the Bible for myself to try to determine which of these groups had the truth. After much praying, reading and studying I decided the Mormon, Oneness Pentecostal and Bible Missionarie churches are not real Christian Churches at all, rather they are Christian Cults because they do not line up with what the bible really teaches about Salvation and they are not in agreement with other Essential Christian Doctrines. I found that according to what the Word of God teaches, and Historic/Orthodox Christian Teaching, Salvation cannot be earned by any form of human works or efforts I found that Salvation is ALL by the Grace and Work of God and that Salvation and Eternal Life are a Free Gift from God (Ephesians 2:8, Romans 6:23, John 3:16) to all who will Trust in Jesus Christ and the atoning sacrifice He made for us by dying on the Cross for the sins of the world (1 John 2:2). The Word of God is clear and plainly says “Believe in the Lord Jesus, and you will be saved” (Acts 16:31). Because I know what it is like to be targeted by Cult Groups and to suffer from the spirtual confusion and frustration brought on by their false teachings, I have endeavored to help others find True Eternal Life in Jesus Christ and to break free from the clutches of, and to be healed from the damage done by, Cult Groups who claim to be the One True Church. So it is my hope and prayer that the Lord will use my Websites to help those that need help and that some who use my websites will be helped by them to find the Free Gift of God’s Salvation, that is only found in His only begotten son Jesus Christ.

Posted on September 3, 2015, in Is the CoC a Cult and tagged , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink. 4 Comments.

  1. Damon – Rather than use the term, “Christian cult” the cult-watch groups that I am aware of use the term, “Cult of Christianity.” This would be a much better term to use. As a Restoration Movement minister myself (Independent Christian Church) I am very well aware of the cultic nature of the church of Christ (they always use the lower case “c” on “church”). Having studied the cults for over 40 years, I cannot help but see the signs of cultism in the coC. One of their favorite terms for themselves is, “the Lord’s Church” – used in such a way to say that they are indeed the ONLY true church! I am shocked and appalled that what started out with good intentions (unity) has turned into nothing more than a cult, pure and simple. One word of caution: do not judge ALL coC’s by the actions of a few. There are coC’s that are not cultic.


    • Hi Michael,, Thanks for the comment. I am careful to not lump all CoC together, that is why I use the “hardliner” distinction. I can fellowship with many of them and am always glad when I meet a CoC that is not hardline. I would go to a CoC church if I could find one close enough that was not hardline. The small c is their way of saying they are not a denomination so I always use a capital C. 🙂 And I have always used Christian Cult or pseudo christian cult.


  2. michaelthepainter

    Something to consider is, Do you have scriptural evidence to back up your claims since what you said concerning the church of christ is not true. You said that the Church of Christ teaches (salvation by baptism as opposed to Grace). Do you know that the church of Christ does not teach this? The church of Christ holds to the scriptural authority of the Bible (Word of God). The Scripture teaches us that we are saved by the Grace of God through faith in the Son of God. Ephesians 2:8-10. Have you ever taken a look at the baptismal verses of the New Testament? Acts 2:38; Acts 22:16; Romans 6:3-4; Colossians 2:11-12; Galatians 3:26-27; 1Peter 3:21; Titus 3:5 “washing of regeneration and renewal by the Holy Spirit.” You said the church of Christ denies The divinity of the Holy Spirit, do you know they don’t deny the divinity of the Holy Spirit, but acknowledge the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit as God. All three are God. Colossians 2:9; Matthew 28:19-20. The last thing. You have (salvation by faith alone in Christ alone). Did you know that there is only one place faith alone is mentioned in the New Testament. In James 2:24 faith alone doesn’t save, but faith is expressed through deeds. A Christian relies upon the atoning sacrifice of Jesus Christ for redemption. Ephesians 1:7; 1John 2:1-2. There deeds are an expression of there faith, their gratefulness toward what God has done for them. You mentioned legalism. Did you know that legalism is relying upon the law to be saved. The church of Christ does not teach this. (Galatians 5:4) if you are trying to be justified by law you have been alienated from Christ and have fallen from Grace. And lastly did you know that church of christ is mentioned in Romans 16:16 ” The Churches of Christ.” Church of Christ shows ownership. The church belong to Christ. Something to think about.


    • Hello Michael, thanks for the comment but I have to say it is a typical (right out of the CoC track-rack) response. You said the CoC does not teach salvation by baptism as opposed to grace but then you prove I was right by posting 7 baptismal regeneration verses, which by the way I have read hundreds of time (because CoCers post them all the time) and have studied them in detail many times also. If your not teaching that we have to be baptized to be saved then why even bring up the 7 verses?

      Baptismal regeneration exist in those verses only if you presume that we must be baptized to be saved. And posting 7 verses as proof-text just shows how weak your position is.

      My article here shows the absurdity of this proof-texting method.

      Baptismal Regeneration/Water Baptism Salvation – Reduced to Absurdity

      This article answer 16 baptismal regeneration prootext.

      16 Baptismal Regeneration Prooftext Examined

      And here is my response to Mark 16:16.

      Does Mark 16:16 teach Baptism is required for Salvation?

      Mar 16:16 He that believeth and is baptized shall be saved; but he that believeth not shall be damned.

      There are a myriad of reasons why this verse cannot be used to teach baptism is required for salvation. (1.) This text does not deal specifically with the fate of someone who believes and is not baptized. (2.) The obvious emphasis is on unbelief = damnation. (3.) Most who claim baptism is required say baptism is “for the remission of sins”. This verse predates Acts 2:38, so this verse is talking rather about Johns baptism which was a “baptism of repentance for the remission of sins” (Mark 1:4, Luke 3:3). Repentance correctly understood as a change of mind from unbelief to personal faith in Christ (Matt. 21:32, Acts 19:4, Acts 20:21, Mark 1:15) is what provides remission of sin (Acts 10:43). (4.) The oldest New Testament Greek manuscripts do not contain Mark 9-20 and therefore cannot be used as a certainty to establish a doctrine of salvation. (5.) Most baptismal regenerationist are cessationist, not Charismatic, and do not follow Mark 17-18 by casting out devils, speaking in tongues, laying hands on the sick, taking up serpents and drinking deadly things. So while they say they believe the passage, they do not practice it. (6.) It is said “these signs shall follow those who believe”, not “those who believe and are baptized”. (7.) Verse 20 says the Lord works with then who believe, not them that believe and are baptized.

      Does Mark 16:16 teach Baptism is required for Salvation?

      I did not say that all CoC’ers teach the Holy Spirit is not God. I said that some do and I said 3 of the many I was in a debate forum used to teach such. In fact they would personify the Bible as the HS.

      PUTTING GOD IN A BOX , the result of the personification of the bible as the Holy Spirit. By Damon Whitsell

      PUTTING GOD IN A BOX , the result of the personification of the bible as the Holy Spirit. By Damon Whitsell

      And because CoC’ers often bring up James 2:24 here are several articles on that verse.

      Note on James Chapter 2 by Damon Whitsell

      Note on James Chapter 2 by Damon Whitsell

      Note on James 2: 14-19 by Thomas Ross

      Note on James 2: 14-19 by Thomas Ross

      CHURCH OF CHRIST MYTH: Faith Alone is a Calvinist Doctrine

      CHURCH OF CHRIST MYTH: Faith Alone is a Calvinist Doctrine


      Answering the Church of Christ “Faith Alone” Argument

      Answering the Church of Christ “Faith Alone” Argument

      Legalism does not mean relying on the law. Legalism is adding anything to the gospel and saying it is required for salvation.

      And lastly Romans 16:16 (as if I had never read it before ) does not mention the church of christ,, it says “Churches of Christ” and it is not a name for the church but a description of the church just like Christ is not Jesus’s last name. There are many descriptors used for the church of God, including the church of God.


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